
Prednisone. The wicked, toxic, nasty your gonna live med

Ever take it? Ahhh, at first you think, its your friend.Ever so slowly realization dawns.You are not in a mutual relationship of,  oh I want to love you. Yet if you stop taking it your Dr puts the fear of God in you.Taper down 21 days.I dont ever do 21 days of anything except maybe coffee or chocolate.I thought things were going fine till I caught my husband talking like Mr.Rogers "Honey, would you like to go for a car ride?" I also caught him moving the  guns to higher ground and checking he had the ammo safety box key stuffed  in his pocket.Wicked wicked drug...One .Last thing..I contemplated eating an old piece of zucchini that had fallen into my shirt pocket..just a bit of fuzz on it and a few black spots.I could have pretended it was a chocolate chip but came to my senses.
One of the side effects listed  on pharmacy  handout other than you will lose all your friends and family is: Might alter mood, please contact Dr...REALLY does she really want to hear from me?
So, that which does not kill me makes me stronger..um that is not in the bible.
Can I get an Amen?


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