Jagged Edge

We arrive here a perfect package. Straight from heaven. Heart pure, untouched by hate or hurt. A  bubble  of fragile, beautiful and holy. Along journey things touch us to make us who we are.
Things plant passion in our hearts, also planted,jagged edge sharp of hurts we have endured that have calloused over to protect the deepest part of us. What is the jagged you carry?The wound you have survived? You are a survivor and your victory has made you who you are.Some days the dark does not make you feel victorious but you are. The cross is our strongest survivor symbol.Christ endured and survived it all. He left it here as a reminder, a gift for us to lay down our jagged edged sharp hurts so we might have the right to again feel the pure heart He gave us fresh from heaven.
The foot of the cross is a precious place to finally lay that jagged down


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